At Davis & Waddell, we’re thrilled to bring you products that are so good, they win illustrious industry awards.

In 2018, our fabulous Infusion Smoker won the Reed GALA Award for Kitchen & Dining. This honour denotes outstanding products across product types like tableware, glassware, cutlery, table decorations, utensils, cooking and food preparation materials and is judged by industry experts.
Just so you know, Reed is the big trade expo where our products go before you find them in store. This award proves that our handheld, gourmet-flavour-adding tool is not just ‘smoke and mirrors’!
Davis & Waddell’s history of accolades does not stop there! In 2017 our Angry Mama Microwave Cleaner took home a Reed GALA Award in the Gadgets category. The original Mama – she steam cleans a microwave using a combination of water and vinegar, meaning affordable deep cleaning without using harsh chemicals. Perhaps Angry Mama’s feeling not so angry now?